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but, .....I repeat myself.
Suppose you were a heartless bastard, and suppose you were a Republican, but, .....I repeat myself. Mark Twain
Sunday, February 22, 2004
European integration continues

Reuters Alternet - European Greens unite to boost election hopes
ROME, Feb 21 (Reuters) - Europe's green parties united under a single banner on Saturday, forming a continent-wide party which they hope will strengthen their showing in June's European elections.
They want "to green Europe", phasing out nuclear energy, promoting renewable energy and campaigning against genetically modified food.
Politicians with green stripes currently hold 44 of the 626 European Parliament seats in a loose federation but with their united approach under the slogan "Europe, let's have a party!" they hope to reap bigger gains.
"I have no shame in saying that today we're making history -- we're the first party to have a European structure," Daniel Cohn-Bendit, co-president of the Greens in the European Parliament, told the launch conference on Saturday.

European integration continues, I wonder how long it will take for the Socialist & Communist to create a single Pan-European political party. This process as it continues can only lead to a single European foreign policy.

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