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but, .....I repeat myself.
Suppose you were a heartless bastard, and suppose you were a Republican, but, .....I repeat myself. Mark Twain
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Southern States - Most Unhealthy.
CBS News | Survey: Minnesota Healthiest State | November 9, 2004

America's Health: State Health Rankings - 2004 Edition

Looks like ever Southern State ended up at the bottom of the pile as always.

39 Kentucky -7.1
40 Oklahoma -7.2
41 North Carolina -7.5
42 Florida -8.4
43 Alabama -10.4
43 West Virginia -10.4
45 Georgia -11.1
46 Arkansas -12.1
47 South Carolina -12.9
48 Tennessee -13.1
49 Mississippi -20.2
50 Louisiana -21.3

Why exactly should anyone listen to those losers?

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